Beijing Vibroflotation Engineering Machinery Co.,Ltd

Vibroflotation Stone Column Pile Construction in S2 section of Karnaphuli River Tunnel in Chittagong


On February 19, 2022, the Vibroflotation Stone Column Pile Construction of section S2 of kanapuri River Tunnel in Chittagong, Bangladesh was successfully completed , which lasted for three months.

The kanapuri river bottom tunnel is located at the entrance of the kanapuri River in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The project is located in the alluvial Delta area of the entrance. The stratum is basically quaternary alluvial overburden, belonging to the seismic prone zone.

For the foundation treated by vibroflotation method, the vibration will rearrange the soil particles, quickly dissipate the excess void water pressure, and the gravel pile forms a drainage channel, which greatly improves the liquefaction resistance of the foundation. During the construction period, the earthquake of magnitude 6.2 happened to highlight the liquefaction resistance of the foundation treated by vibroflotation method.

In this project, BVEM company cooperates with CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Bureau to provide vibroflotation equipment and professional vibroflotation construction team.

The equipment adopts 130kW vibroflotation device produced by BVEM company, with a total work quantity of 13483 linear meters, a construction pile diameter of 1m, a pile spacing of 2M and a construction pile depth of 21.4-23.5m.

Here, I would like to thank the engineering rebels in the epidemic.

BVEM thanks for all engineering brave persons in the epidemic situation.