Beijing Vibroflotation Engineering Machinery Co.,Ltd

Expanding vibroflotation market of Middle East


In Sept.6th,2022, 6 sets vibros was delivery to Saudi Arabia, we have deliveried 10 sets vibroflot equipment to Middle East Market this year.

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Since our international trading department established in 2017, our vibroflotation equipment are favored by ground improvement construction team in Middle East. Big power vibroflot device have a good performance in medium sand soil. The effect range of vibrate density to soil in piles more than 4m, the soil density rate after treating can achieve more than 70%. (parts soil can achieve 95%.)

To meet the requirement of large amount water of this construction, the special hanging head was equipped to this project, this hanging head can make water pass extension tubes directly instead of use hose through tubes. The method can get large amount water to make vibrator penetrate soil layer easier , replacing original soil fully.

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So far, our company has sold nearly 100 sets of equipment in the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia and Dubai.

On October 8-10, 2022, our team visited the construction site in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Nearly ten sets of 180kW equipment produced by our company are working in order, which has been unanimously recognized by customers.

