Beijing Vibroflotation Engineering Machinery Co.,Ltd

BVEM vibroflot - after-sales service work in Myanmar


On September 28, 2023, the one month after-sales work in Myanmar was completed, and on October 2, the engineer successfully arrived in China.

The project adopts 180kW vibroflot equipment, equipped with 3 pcs 10 meter extension tubes and 1 pcs 3 meter extension tube, to challenge the depth of the vibro compaction sand pile with 35m. Engineer Jia, fearless of hardships, came to Myanmar alone to complete equipment installation and trial operation work.

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The construction   adopts automated intelligent pile driving recorder equipment to achieve remote control of vibroflotation construction equipment start and stop, and intelligent prompts for pile driving.


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BVEM company has been focusing on the vibroflotation industry for 40 years, providing customers with comprehensive services:

Analysis of geological conditions, auxiliary design of vibroflotation plans, selection of vibroflotation equipment, organization plan for vibroflotation construction, equipment use, and guidance for vibroflotation construction.